Kompleksinė mechanizacija durpių komposto gamyboje
Altri titoli: Complex mechanization of peat in the production of compost
Anno: 1962
Descrizione: Film essay tells the story of production of peat compost and usage of it in agriculture.Landscape of Moscow outskirts. Courtyard of central machine testing station: agricultural vehicles. Agricultural vehicles in the peatbog: specialised works: deep plowing, cultivation, loading of organic fertilizer with lime into trailers and pouring into the cultivated peatbog, new cultivation, pushing of peat into the piles, loading into the trailers and transportation into warehousing areas. Organic fertilizer is mixed with peat, mixture is poured onto the soil. Agricultural vehicles insert a liquid nitrogen fertilizer into the planted plants. Yield of various cultures increases using peat compost. Fields of beans, cabbage, beets, cereal. Harvesting with usage of agricultural technique: threshed grain, excavated potatoes, cut corn.
Parole chiave: Žemės ūkis / Žemės ūkio technika
Fonte esterna: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Diritti: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Colori: Black & White
Director: Nota Liubošicas
Sound: With sound
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